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Prayer Of The Comfort Counselor

accompaniment backing tracks

Fantasies Come True

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


My Girlfriend Who Lives In Canada

accompaniment track from Avenue Q



accompaniment track from Avenue Q


I Wish I Could Go Back To College

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


For Now

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


Fiddler On The Roof

full album


Miracle of Miracles

guide vocal track from Fiddler On The Roof


Far From the Home I Love

guide vocal track from Fiddler On The Roof


Miracle of Miracles

accompaniment track from Fiddler On The Roof


Far From the Home I Love

accompaniment track from Fiddler On The Roof



guide vocal track from Urinetown


It's a Privilege to Pee

guide vocal track from Urinetown


Mister Cladwell

guide vocal track from Urinetown


Cop Song

guide vocal track from Urinetown


Follow Your Heart

guide vocal track from Urinetown


Act One Finale

guide vocal track from Urinetown


What is Urinetown

guide vocal track from Urinetown


Snuff That Girl

guide vocal track from Urinetown


Run, Freedom, Run

guide vocal track from Urinetown


Why Did I Listen to That Man

guide vocal track from Urinetown
