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My Lord And Master

accompaniment backing tracks

Goodnight, My Someone and Seventy-Six Trombones (Reprise)

guide vocal track from The Music Man


Piano Lesson / If You Don't Mind My Saying So

accompaniment track from The Music Man


Goodnight, My Someone

accompaniment track from The Music Man


Piano Lesson / If You Don't Mind My Saying So

guide vocal track from The Music Man


Goodnight, My Someone

guide vocal track from The Music Man


Beauty and the Beast

guide vocal track from Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

accompaniment track from Beauty and the Beast


His Work and Nothing More

accompaniment track from Jekyll and Hyde



guide vocal track from Peter Pan



accompaniment track from Peter Pan


Rock Island

accompaniment track from The Music Man


Rock Island

guide vocal track from The Music Man


Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord

guide vocal track from Godspell


Bless the Lord

guide vocal track from Godspell


By My Side

guide vocal track from Godspell


By My Side

accompaniment track from Godspell


Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord

accompaniment track from Godspell


Bless the Lord

accompaniment track from Godspell


I Whistle A Happy Tune

guide vocal track from The King and I


Shall I Tell You What I Think of You?

guide vocal track from The King and I
