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I Am Here For You

accompaniment backing tracks

Mix Tape

guide vocal track from Avenue Q



guide vocal track from Avenue Q


Fantasies Come True

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


My Girlfriend Who Lives In Canada

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


Everyone's A Litle Bit Racist

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


Mix Tape

accompaniment track from Avenue Q



accompaniment track from Avenue Q


Fantasies Come True

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


My Girlfriend Who Lives In Canada

accompaniment track from Avenue Q



full album


The Swamps of Home

guide vocal track from Once Upon a Mattress


The Swamps of Home

accompaniment track from Once Upon a Mattress


The Lion King

full album



guide vocal track from The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee



accompaniment track from The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee


The Wizard of Oz

full album


Whatever Happened to My Part?

guide vocal track from Spamalot


Whatever Happened to My Part?

accompaniment track from Spamalot



guide vocal track from Urinetown


Mister Cladwell

guide vocal track from Urinetown
