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Accompaniment tracks and backing tracks for the classic and iconic musicals, such as The Sound of Music and Oklahoma! These tracks are perfect for use by students, singers, and actors in auditions, rehearsals, shows, and even for personal practice. Click here to license tracks for your theater.

Tevye's Dream

accompaniment track from Fiddler On The Roof


Tevye's Dream

guide vocal track from Fiddler On The Roof


Tevye's Monologue

accompaniment track from Fiddler On The Roof


Tevye's Monologue

guide vocal track from Fiddler On The Roof


Tevye's Rebuttal

accompaniment track from Fiddler On The Roof


Tevye's Rebuttal

guide vocal track from Fiddler On The Roof


The Dance at the Gym

accompaniment track from West Side Story


The Dance at the Gym

guide vocal track from West Side Story


The Farmer and the Crowman

accompaniment track from Oklahoma!


The Farmer and the Crowman

guide vocal track from Oklahoma!


The Jet Song

accompaniment track from West Side Story


The Jet Song

guide vocal track from West Side Story


The Lonely Goatherd

accompaniment track from The Sound of Music


The Lonely Goatherd

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


The Rumble

accompaniment track from West Side Story


The Rumble

guide vocal track from West Side Story


The Rumor / Gossip

accompaniment track from Fiddler On The Roof


The Rumor / Gossip

guide vocal track from Fiddler On The Roof


The Sadder But Wiser Girl

accompaniment track from The Music Man


The Sadder But Wiser Girl

guide vocal track from The Music Man
