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Broadway Musicals

Accompaniment tracks and backing tracks for Broadway Musicals. These tracks are perfect for use by students, singers, and actors in auditions, rehearsals, shows, and even for personal practice. Click here to license tracks for your theater.

Johanna (Anthony)

accompaniment track from Sweeney Todd


Johanna (Anthony)

guide vocal track from Sweeney Todd


Johanna (Todd)

accompaniment track from Sweeney Todd


Johanna (Todd)

guide vocal track from Sweeney Todd


Joseph Smith American Moses

accompaniment track from The Book of Mormon


Kiss Me / Ladies in their Sensitivities / Kiss Me (Part 2)

accompaniment track from Sweeney Todd


Kiss Me / Ladies in their Sensitivities / Kiss Me (Part 2)

guide vocal track from Sweeney Todd


Knowing Me, Knowing You

accompaniment track from Mamma Mia


Knowing Me, Knowing You

guide vocal track from Mamma Mia


Lay All Your Love

accompaniment track from Mamma Mia


Lay All Your Love

guide vocal track from Mamma Mia


Learn Your Lessons Well

accompaniment track from Godspell


Learn Your Lessons Well

guide vocal track from Godspell


Letting Go

accompaniment track from Jekyll and Hyde


Light of the World

accompaniment track from Godspell


Light of the World

guide vocal track from Godspell


Little Lotte

accompaniment track from Phantom of the Opera


Little Lotte

guide vocal track from Phantom of the Opera


Lost in the Darkness

accompaniment track from Jekyll and Hyde


Macavity: The Mystery Cat

accompaniment track from Cats
