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Broadway Musicals

Accompaniment tracks and backing tracks for Broadway Musicals. These tracks are perfect for use by students, singers, and actors in auditions, rehearsals, shows, and even for personal practice. Click here to license tracks for your theater.

Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer

guide vocal track from Cats


My Friends

accompaniment track from Sweeney Todd


My Friends

guide vocal track from Sweeney Todd


Mysterious Lady

accompaniment track from Peter Pan


Mysterious Lady

guide vocal track from Peter Pan



accompaniment track from Peter Pan



guide vocal track from Peter Pan


No More

accompaniment track from Into the Woods


No More

guide vocal track from Into the Woods


No One Is Alone

accompaniment track from Into the Woods


No One Is Alone

guide vocal track from Into the Woods


Not While I'm Around

accompaniment track from Sweeney Todd


Not While I'm Around

guide vocal track from Sweeney Todd



accompaniment track from Phantom of the Opera



guide vocal track from Phantom of the Opera


Old Deuteronomy

accompaniment track from Cats


Old Deuteronomy

guide vocal track from Cats


On The Steps of the Palace

accompaniment track from Into the Woods


On The Steps of the Palace

guide vocal track from Into the Woods


On the Willows

accompaniment track from Godspell
