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Broadway Musicals

Accompaniment tracks and backing tracks for Broadway Musicals. These tracks are perfect for use by students, singers, and actors in auditions, rehearsals, shows, and even for personal practice. Click here to license tracks for your theater.

I Meant You No Harm

guide vocal track from Dreamgirls


I Miss You, Old Friend

accompaniment track from Dreamgirls


I Miss You, Old Friend

guide vocal track from Dreamgirls


I Need To Know

accompaniment track from Jekyll and Hyde


I Want You Baby

accompaniment track from Dreamgirls


I Want You Baby

guide vocal track from Dreamgirls


I Won't Grow Up

accompaniment track from Peter Pan


I Won't Grow Up

guide vocal track from Peter Pan


I'm Flying

accompaniment track from Peter Pan


I'm Flying

guide vocal track from Peter Pan


I've Gotta Crow

accompaniment track from Peter Pan


I've Gotta Crow

guide vocal track from Peter Pan


It Takes Two

accompaniment track from Into the Woods


It Takes Two

guide vocal track from Into the Woods


It's a Dangerous Game

accompaniment track from Jekyll and Hyde


It's All Over

accompaniment track from Dreamgirls


It's All Over

guide vocal track from Dreamgirls


Jekyll's Plea (Board of Governors)

accompaniment track from Jekyll and Hyde


Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats

accompaniment track from Cats


Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats

guide vocal track from Cats
