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You Can Be As Loud As The Hell You Want

accompaniment backing tracks

(It's) Hairspray

guide vocal track from Hairspray



guide vocal track from Hairspray


Good Morning Baltimore

accompaniment track from Hairspray


Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now

accompaniment track from Hairspray


It Takes Two

accompaniment track from Hairspray


Run and Tell That!

accompaniment track from Hairspray


Good Morning Baltimore (reprise)

accompaniment track from Hairspray


Without Love

accompaniment track from Hairspray


(It's) Hairspray

accompaniment track from Hairspray



accompaniment track from Hairspray


Prologue / Little Shop of Horrors

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Skid Row (Downtown)

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors



guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Grow For Me

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Ya Never Know

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Somewhere That's Green

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Closed for Renovation

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors



guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Mushnik and Son

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Sudden Changes / Git It

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors
