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You Can Be As Loud As The Hell You Want

accompaniment backing tracks

Johanna (Todd)

guide vocal track from Sweeney Todd


Johanna (Anthony)

accompaniment track from Sweeney Todd


Johanna (Todd)

accompaniment track from Sweeney Todd


If You Were Gay

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


If You Were Gay

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


Another Hundred People

accompaniment track from Company


Kiss Me / Ladies in their Sensitivities / Kiss Me (Part 2)

guide vocal track from Sweeney Todd


By The Sea

guide vocal track from Sweeney Todd


Kiss Me / Ladies in their Sensitivities / Kiss Me (Part 2)

accompaniment track from Sweeney Todd


By The Sea

accompaniment track from Sweeney Todd


It Sucks To Be Me

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


My Girlfriend Who Lives In Canada

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


It Sucks To Be Me

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


My Girlfriend Who Lives In Canada

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


Good Morning Baltimore

guide vocal track from Hairspray


Mama, I'm a Big Girl Now

guide vocal track from Hairspray


It Takes Two

guide vocal track from Hairspray


Run and Tell That!

guide vocal track from Hairspray


Good Morning Baltimore (reprise)

guide vocal track from Hairspray


Without Love

guide vocal track from Hairspray
