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It Sucks To Be Me

accompaniment backing tracks

Sixteen Going on Seventeen

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


The Lonely Goatherd

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


How Can Love Survive

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


The Sound of Music (Reprise)

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


So Long, Farewell

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


Climb Ev'ry Mountain

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


An Ordinary Couple

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music



guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


I Cain't Say No

guide vocal track from Oklahoma!


I Cain't Say No (reprise)

guide vocal track from Oklahoma!


Many a New Day

guide vocal track from Oklahoma!


People Will Say We're in Love

guide vocal track from Oklahoma!


Poor Jud is Dead

guide vocal track from Oklahoma!


Lonely Room

guide vocal track from Oklahoma!


Out of My Dreams

guide vocal track from Oklahoma!


All 'er Nothin'

guide vocal track from Oklahoma!



guide vocal track from Oklahoma!


I Whistle A Happy Tune

guide vocal track from The King and I


My Lord and Master

guide vocal track from The King and I


Shall I Tell You What I Think of You?

guide vocal track from The King and I
