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Thank You For The Music

accompaniment backing tracks

What You Want

guide vocal track from Legally Blonde


Blood in the Water

guide vocal track from Legally Blonde


Omigod You Guys

accompaniment track from Legally Blonde


What You Want

accompaniment track from Legally Blonde


Blood in the Water

accompaniment track from Legally Blonde


Those You've Known

guide vocal track from Spring Awakening


Those You've Known

accompaniment track from Spring Awakening


Piano Lesson / If You Don't Mind My Saying So

accompaniment track from The Music Man


Lida Rose / Will I Ever Tell You

accompaniment track from The Music Man


Piano Lesson / If You Don't Mind My Saying So

guide vocal track from The Music Man


It's You (Bonus Vocal Track)

guide vocal track from The Music Man


Lida Rose / Will I Ever Tell You

guide vocal track from The Music Man


All for the Best

guide vocal track from Godspell


All for the Best

accompaniment track from Godspell


Learn Your Lessons Well

guide vocal track from Godspell


Learn Your Lessons Well

accompaniment track from Godspell


Something There

guide vocal track from Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

guide vocal track from Beauty and the Beast


Something There

accompaniment track from Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

accompaniment track from Beauty and the Beast
