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Man Up

accompaniment backing tracks

An Ordinary Couple

accompaniment track from The Sound of Music


The Farmer and the Crowman

guide vocal track from Oklahoma!


The Farmer and the Crowman

accompaniment track from Oklahoma!


Brotherhood of Man

guide vocal track from How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying


Brotherhood of Man

accompaniment track from How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying


Gee, Officer Krupke

guide vocal track from West Side Story


Gee, Officer Krupke

accompaniment track from West Side Story


Human Stuff

guide vocal track from The Little Mermaid


Human Stuff

accompaniment track from The Little Mermaid



guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Sominex / Suppertime II

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors



accompaniment track from Little Shop of Horrors


Sominex / Suppertime II

accompaniment track from Little Shop of Horrors


I Won't Grow Up

guide vocal track from Peter Pan


I Won't Grow Up

accompaniment track from Peter Pan


The Music Man

full album


Turn Back, O Man

accompaniment track from Godspell


Once Upon a Dream

accompaniment track from Jekyll and Hyde


Turn Back, O Man

guide vocal track from Godspell


Goodnight, My Someone and Seventy-Six Trombones (Reprise)

guide vocal track from The Music Man
