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Accompaniment tracks and backing tracks for musical theater of any kind. These tracks are perfect for use by students, singers, and actors in auditions, rehearsals, shows, and even for personal practice. Click here to license tracks for your theater.


guide vocal track from Legally Blonde


Skid Row (Downtown)

accompaniment track from Little Shop of Horrors


Skid Row (Downtown)

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


So In Love

accompaniment track from Kiss Me Kate


So In Love

guide vocal track from Kiss Me Kate


So In Love (Reprise)

accompaniment track from Kiss Me Kate


So In Love (Reprise)

guide vocal track from Kiss Me Kate


So Much Better

accompaniment track from Legally Blonde


So Much Better

guide vocal track from Legally Blonde


Somewhere That's Green

accompaniment track from Little Shop of Horrors


Somewhere That's Green

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Sominex / Suppertime II

accompaniment track from Little Shop of Horrors


Sominex / Suppertime II

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Sudden Changes / Git It

accompaniment track from Little Shop of Horrors


Sudden Changes / Git It

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Suddenly Seymore

accompaniment track from Little Shop of Horrors


Suddenly Seymore

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors



accompaniment track from Little Shop of Horrors



guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Take It Like A Man

accompaniment track from Legally Blonde
