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Accompaniment tracks and backing tracks for musical theater of any kind. These tracks are perfect for use by students, singers, and actors in auditions, rehearsals, shows, and even for personal practice. Click here to license tracks for your theater.

The Song of Purple Summer

guide vocal track from Spring Awakening


The Streets of Dublin

accompaniment track from A Man of No Importance


The Word of Your Body

accompaniment track from Spring Awakening


The Word of Your Body

guide vocal track from Spring Awakening


The Word of Your Body (reprise)

accompaniment track from Spring Awakening


The Word of Your Body (reprise)

guide vocal track from Spring Awakening


There! Right There!

accompaniment track from Legally Blonde


There! Right There!

guide vocal track from Legally Blonde


Those You've Known

accompaniment track from Spring Awakening


Those You've Known

guide vocal track from Spring Awakening


Tom, Dick, or Harry

accompaniment track from Kiss Me Kate


Tom, Dick, or Harry

guide vocal track from Kiss Me Kate


Too Darn Hot

accompaniment track from Kiss Me Kate


Too Darn Hot

guide vocal track from Kiss Me Kate


Totally Fucked

accompaniment track from Spring Awakening


Totally Fucked

guide vocal track from Spring Awakening


Touch Me

accompaniment track from Spring Awakening


Touch Me

guide vocal track from Spring Awakening


We Open In Venice

accompaniment track from Kiss Me Kate


We Open In Venice

guide vocal track from Kiss Me Kate
