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The Farmer And Teh Cowman

accompaniment backing tracks

For Now

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


What Do You Do With A B.A. In English?

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


It Sucks To Be Me

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


If You Were Gay

accompaniment track from Avenue Q



accompaniment track from Avenue Q


Everyone's A Litle Bit Racist

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


Mix Tape

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


I'm Not Wearing Any Underwear Today

accompaniment track from Avenue Q



accompaniment track from Avenue Q


Fantasies Come True

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


My Girlfriend Who Lives In Canada

accompaniment track from Avenue Q



accompaniment track from Avenue Q


I Wish I Could Go Back To College

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


For Now

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


Mama Who Bore Me

guide vocal track from Spring Awakening


Mama Who Bore Me (reprise)

guide vocal track from Spring Awakening


All That's Known

guide vocal track from Spring Awakening


My Junk

guide vocal track from Spring Awakening


Touch Me

guide vocal track from Spring Awakening


I Believe

guide vocal track from Spring Awakening
