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This Is How It Feels

accompaniment backing tracks

Without Love

guide vocal track from Hairspray


(It's) Hairspray

guide vocal track from Hairspray


(The Legend of) Miss Baltimore Crabs

accompaniment track from Hairspray


Good Morning Baltimore (reprise)

accompaniment track from Hairspray


(You're) Timeless to Me (reprise)

accompaniment track from Hairspray


Without Love

accompaniment track from Hairspray


(It's) Hairspray

accompaniment track from Hairspray


Rock Island

accompaniment track from The Music Man


The Sadder But Wiser Girl

accompaniment track from The Music Man


Pick a Little, Talk a Little / Goodnight Ladies

accompaniment track from The Music Man


My White Knight

accompaniment track from The Music Man


Goodnight, My Someone and Seventy-Six Trombones (Reprise)

accompaniment track from The Music Man


Rock Island

guide vocal track from The Music Man


The Sadder But Wiser Girl

guide vocal track from The Music Man


Pick a Little, Talk a Little / Goodnight Ladies

guide vocal track from The Music Man


My White Knight

guide vocal track from The Music Man


Goodnight, My Someone and Seventy-Six Trombones (Reprise)

guide vocal track from The Music Man


In a Little While

guide vocal track from Once Upon a Mattress



guide vocal track from Once Upon a Mattress


In a Little While

accompaniment track from Once Upon a Mattress
