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Think Of Me

accompaniment backing tracks

Act One Finale

accompaniment track from Urinetown


What is Urinetown

accompaniment track from Urinetown


Snuff That Girl

accompaniment track from Urinetown


Run, Freedom, Run

accompaniment track from Urinetown


Why Did I Listen to That Man

accompaniment track from Urinetown


Tell Her I Love Her

accompaniment track from Urinetown


We're Not Sorry

accompaniment track from Urinetown


We're Not Sorry (reprise)

accompaniment track from Urinetown


I See a River

accompaniment track from Urinetown


What Do You Do With A B.A. In English?

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


If You Were Gay

guide vocal track from Avenue Q



guide vocal track from Avenue Q


Everyone's A Litle Bit Racist

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


The Internet Is For Porn

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


Mix Tape

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


I'm Not Wearing Any Underwear Today

guide vocal track from Avenue Q



guide vocal track from Avenue Q


You Can Be As Loud As The Hell You Want

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


My Girlfriend Who Lives In Canada

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


There's A Fine, Fine Line

guide vocal track from Avenue Q
