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Accompaniment Track

accompaniment backing tracks

The Doctor Is In

guide vocal track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown


Beethoven Day

guide vocal track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown


The Book Report

guide vocal track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown


My New Philosophy

guide vocal track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown


The Baseball Game (T-E-A-M)

guide vocal track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown


Glee Club Rehearsal

guide vocal track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown


Little Known Facts

guide vocal track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown



guide vocal track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown



guide vocal track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown



guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


The Sound of Music

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music



guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


My Favorite Things

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


I Have Confidence

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music



guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


Sixteen Going on Seventeen

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


The Lonely Goatherd

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


How Can Love Survive

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


The Sound of Music (Reprise)

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music


So Long, Farewell

guide vocal track from The Sound of Music
