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Accompaniment tracks and backing tracks for kid-friendly Broadway Musicals. These tracks are perfect for use by schools and students, singers, and actors in theater classes, auditions, rehearsals, shows, and even for personal practice. Click here to license tracks for your theater.

The Kite

accompaniment track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown


The Kite

guide vocal track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown


The Military

accompaniment track from Seussical


The Military

guide vocal track from Seussical


The Mob Song

accompaniment track from Beauty and the Beast


The Mob Song

guide vocal track from Beauty and the Beast


The One Feather Tail of Miss Gertrude McFuzz

accompaniment track from Seussical


The One Feather Tail of Miss Gertrude McFuzz

guide vocal track from Seussical


The World Above

accompaniment track from The Little Mermaid


The World Above

guide vocal track from The Little Mermaid


The World Above (reprise)

accompaniment track from The Little Mermaid


The World Above (reprise)

guide vocal track from The Little Mermaid


Under the Sea

accompaniment track from The Little Mermaid


Under the Sea

guide vocal track from The Little Mermaid


Winkies March / Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Reprise)

accompaniment track from The Wizard of Oz


Winkies March / Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Reprise)

guide vocal track from The Wizard of Oz


You're A Good Man Charlie Brown

accompaniment track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown


You're A Good Man Charlie Brown

guide vocal track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown
