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It Sucks To Be Me

accompaniment backing tracks


accompaniment track from Once Upon a Mattress


The Minstrel, The Jester, and I

accompaniment track from Once Upon a Mattress



accompaniment track from Once Upon a Mattress


Song of Love

accompaniment track from Once Upon a Mattress



accompaniment track from Once Upon a Mattress


Goodnight, Sweet Princess

accompaniment track from Once Upon a Mattress


Happily Ever After

accompaniment track from Once Upon a Mattress


Very Soft Shoes

accompaniment track from Once Upon a Mattress


Yesterday I Loved You

accompaniment track from Once Upon a Mattress


Nightingale Lullaby

accompaniment track from Once Upon a Mattress



accompaniment track from Once Upon a Mattress


The Kite

accompaniment track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown


The Doctor Is In

accompaniment track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown


Little Known Facts

accompaniment track from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown


Without Love

accompaniment track from Hairspray


(It's) Hairspray

accompaniment track from Hairspray


Prologue / Little Shop of Horrors

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Grow For Me

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Somewhere That's Green

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors


Sudden Changes / Git It

guide vocal track from Little Shop of Horrors
