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If I Can't Love Her

accompaniment backing tracks

Everyone's A Litle Bit Racist

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


The Internet Is For Porn

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


Mix Tape

guide vocal track from Avenue Q



guide vocal track from Avenue Q


Fantasies Come True

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


My Girlfriend Who Lives In Canada

guide vocal track from Avenue Q


What Do You Do With A B.A. In English?

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


Everyone's A Litle Bit Racist

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


The Internet Is For Porn

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


Mix Tape

accompaniment track from Avenue Q



accompaniment track from Avenue Q


Fantasies Come True

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


My Girlfriend Who Lives In Canada

accompaniment track from Avenue Q


Fisch Schlapping Dance

guide vocal track from Spamalot


Come With Me

guide vocal track from Spamalot


The Song That Goes Like This

guide vocal track from Spamalot


Knights of the Round Table

guide vocal track from Spamalot


Find Your Grail

guide vocal track from Spamalot


Brave Sir Robin

guide vocal track from Spamalot


His Name Is Lancelot

guide vocal track from Spamalot
