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How am I allowed to use these backing tracks?

Because of copyright laws and licensing restrictions, you are only allowed to use the backing tracks you download from for personal, private use. That means, you can sing along with them at home, in the practice room, at rehearsal, at your birthday party, etc.

The purchase of these tracks does not grant you any Grand Rights (the right to perform a piece of musical theater) to a show, or any right to the underlying composition. Therefore,

You may NOT:

  1. Use the tracks in theatrical performance without purchasing a Theater Use License from The Theater Use price is $49 per song, and allows you unlimited performances of our sound recording in your theater. Contact our Support Staff by opening a support ticket to obtain a Theater Use license. You will also need to obtain Grand Rights to perform the show from the show's publisher (i.e. MTI, R&H, etc).
  2. Use the tracks in video, tv, trailers, advertisements. You will need a Sound Recording Master Use License from as well as a Synchronization License from the show's Publisher.
  3. Create a CD, MP3, or other sound recording with your voice over our tracks to sell or give away to friends. You will need a Sound Recording Master Use License from, as well as mechanical rights from the show's Publisher.

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